Dota 2 Team Positions and it's Essence

In dota 2 there is only 3 lanes which is the top lane, middle lane, and the bot lane. But 5 players are going to play this game, where will the other 2 go? In this blog we will discuss the essence and positions of a dota 2 player plays.

First is the Safelane, which the safelane carry [1] and the fifth position support [5] play. Botlane on Radiant, and Toplane for Dire. This is the lane which will the Carry will farm gold and build his core items, carries don't usually go anywhere in the map except the safelane. Carries are usually has the highest networth in the game and carries his team to victory, And which the fifth position support secures his farm scare away opponents, stack up some neutrals, and such. The support is the contrast of the carry, the support don't usually get an item and has the lowest networth ing the game because his money goes out to buying wards, smoke, dust, and some supporting items, which is really important in winning too. So don't count out the support in the game, they might be carrying you in a way of visions and such.

Next is the Midlane, midlane is usually the 1v1 lane where you go 1 versus 1 with your enemy midlaner [3] , midlaners usually has the balance of XPM and GPM in the game, Heroes in midlane are the one's that can do solo and doesnt need much help of a support. In midlane heroes often times buy a bottle for sustainability and so he doesnt need to go to base just to regen. Midlaners are also the one that has a high nuke damage or burst damage in the team. They must be the one who deals the most damage, while the safelane carry finishing enemies.

And the next position we got the offlaner [3], the offlaner is the hardest lane that a player has to go because they must face the safelane carry and support in the lane. Offlane heroes must be durable in lane and can sustain damage from the enemy attacks, offlane heroes is the one who initiate the clash and has the most CC [Crowd Control] (Stun, Slow, etc.) in the game.

And last but not the least the Roaming Support [4], The roaming support is probably the most essential in the team for the current meta of the game, roaming support controls the tempo of the early game, they must let all the lanes have their best time at the start. If the roaming support did his job they have a higher chance of winning the game since the meta is too dependent on your laning phase. Roaming support sometimes initiate the clash, and unlike fifth position support, roaming support do have an items.

That's it for dota 2 positions and it's essence. Thanks for reading my blog
