Top 5 Heroes that can boost your Match Making Ranking in Dota 2

There are 113 Heroes currently playable in dota 2 right now. [Soon to be 115 in a few months after valve announced the addition of 2 new heroes in the pool during The Internationals 2017. Zorros and Sylph]. But not all of this much heroes will help you reach for your desired match making ranking.

Now lets start with the first Hero that will help you With your MMR.

5.) Keeper of the light
This support hero is one of the best hero that can help you with your MMR. You can push the lane with his skill [Illuminate], you can also harass your enemy hero with this skill, making your carry farm comfortably and freely. Along with this you can also multi stack neutral creeps with [Illuminate] with the right timing and right position. Also with his [Mana Leak], mana dependent heroes will be having a hard time facing him in the lane. And who doesn't like his mana to be filled up? With his [Chakra Magic] you can replenish your mana and give cooldown reduction for 6 seconds (Max level). His ultimate [Spirit Form] Gives you additional 2 skills [Recall] and [Blinding Light]. Spirit form grant you with an unobstructed vision during daylight (with Aghanims Scepter) giving your team an advantage during team fights.
-Team position: 4 [Roaming Support]
-Core Items: Tranquil Boots, Hand of Midas(Optional), Aghanims Scepter

4.)Nyx Assassin
Nyx Assassin is also a good hero in climbing up your MMR. This hero is the one of the best roaming support hero right now in the game pairing up with the right carries, example is one of the infamous hero in the game Invoker [Injoker?] ganking with your [Vendetta] roaming up the map and seeing your target you can instantly kill your enemy with Vendetta-Impale-Sunstrike Combo. This hero is also good with Lifestealer infesting into nyx with Vendetta will also result with an instant enemy kill with Infest-Vendetta-Impale and the Lifestealer Bomb.
-Team Position: 4 [Roaming Support] or 3 [Offlane]
-Core Items: Blink Dagger and Force Staff , Aghanim's Scepter (Optional)

3.)Night Stalker
Night Stalker is also one of the best roaming support in the game right now, with his skill [Void] it has a mini stun that can cancel Tp'ing enemy heroes. Void also provides a movespeed slow for 1.25 during daylight a 4 second duration during night time. [Crippling Fear] is also a good skill that can silence enemy to prevent any counter initiation from an enemy it also provides a 10% miss chance during day time and 50% miss chance in the night. [Hunter in the Night] is your best friend, it gives a move speed bonus and attack speed bonus during night time and an additional skill of (Night Flight) it can provide you with an additional chasing ability and it also gives an escape mechanism as it let you walk through cliffs. [Darkness] is his ultimate it make the time night during daylight allowing you to gank more give your team an advantage in teamfights. (Aghnim's Scepter give's you an unobstructed vision during night time again giving your team a very huge advantage in the game.)
-Team Position: 4 [Roaming Support] or 3 [Offlane]
-Core Items: Phase Boots, Orb of Venom(Early Game), Aghanim's Scepter

Bristleback is the best TANK in the game and at the same time dealing a good amount of damage while being attacked. His first skill [Viscous Nasal Goo] let's you get your enemy debuffed with a negative armor up to 4 times (Up to 8 times with the talent) -8.8 armor at max level (-17.6 armor with the talent). How significant is that? Here's a thing your second skill [Quill Spray] is physical type of damage that can be amplified the a negative armor. Quill Spray has a base damage of 80 (at Max level)
and has a stack bonus damage of  36 (at Max level). Third skill [Bristleback] is the real deal here guys, this skill lets you reduce your enemy damage for 40% (at Max level) regardless of damage type, and has a damage treshold of 210 damage, so every time the enemy deals 210 damage you deal a bonus damage of your Quill spray at your enemy. His ultimate [Warpath] Gives you an additional bonus damage (30) and movespeed (5%) bonus for a maximum of 9 stacks at maximum level.
-Team Position: 3 [Offlane] or 1 [Safelane Carry]
-Core Items: Crimson Guard, Blade Mail, Shiva's Guard, Octarine Core, Tarrasque

This hero is probably the best hero in the meta of dota 2 right now with the addition of his new skill [Ghost Shroud] this hero has become somewhat OP especially in early-mid game, this skill amplify healing done to necro himself by 75% and applies 36% movement speed slow for 4 seconds and his buffed first skill [Death Pulse] has now the effect of the previous skill [Sadist] the new death pulse now gives 120 heal and 200 damage to enemy (at Max level) for 475 radius and has a 7 health and mana regeneration for 10 seconds for every kill (creep kill) 10 stack for every hero kill. Combined with [Heartstopper Aura] 1.8% health decay per second at max level and [Reaper's Scythe] you can almost 1 hit combo any enemy with him. Remember that Reaper's Scythe has a 1.5 seconds delay before it takes effect and it gives 1.5 seconds stun, so you can use it first before your combo with death pulse and dagon maybe?
-Team Position: 3 [Offlane] or 2 [Midlane]
-Core Items: Dagger, Guardian Greaves, Dagon[?], Blade Mail, Octarine Core

So that concludes our mmr climbing heroes, as you can see there's a lot of support and offlane heroes in this list as it is the most important position in the meta right now. Now spam this heroes and you will get your +25 bestowed by Gaben.
