
Showing posts from August, 2017

Damage Types and Damage Reductions in Dota 2

There are three kinds of damage in dota 2, the Physical Damage, Magic Damage, and Pure Damage. Read this to know more about this types of damage and how they will be affected by some game reducing damage mechanics.  First is the Physical Damage, physical damage is affected by buying some damage items like the Divine Rapier. Physical damage can be executed by right clicking enemies your normal attacks. Physical Damage is the most basic damage in dota. But Physical Damage can be reduced by armor and damage reduction ability like bristleback's bristleback. Also Physical damage may miss on some evasion items or ability. The other one is also physical type of damage but it will come from spell, it is the Physical Ability Damage this kind of the damage is also like the Physical Damage but it will come from a hero's spell, the difference is the Physica Ability Damage won't miss, yes that's right it will not miss even on item's like butterfly or some hero's a

Dota 2 Team Positions and it's Essence

In dota 2 there is only 3 lanes which is the top lane, middle lane, and the bot lane. But 5 players are going to play this game, where will the other 2 go? In this blog we will discuss the essence and positions of a dota 2 player plays. First is the Safelane, which the safelane carry [1] and the fifth position support [5] play. Botlane on Radiant, and Toplane for Dire. This is the lane which will the Carry will farm gold and build his core items, carries don't usually go anywhere in the map except the safelane. Carries are usually has the highest networth in the game and carries his team to victory, And which the fifth position support secures his farm scare away opponents, stack up some neutrals, and such. The support is the contrast of the carry, the support don't usually get an item and has the lowest networth ing the game because his money goes out to buying wards, smoke, dust, and some supporting items, which is really important in winning too. So don't count out

Dota 2 New Heroes with Insights and Previews [Dueling Fates]

During the International 2017 Valve release about the 2 new heroes joining the dota 2 hero pool, Sylph and Zorros. What can these 2 heroes contribute to the meta we have right now? First, Zorros, as you can see must be an agility hero with a rolling skill as can be seen in video, you can also see that he removes some quills in bristleback, maybe he got a passive skill that can "break" hero abilities like bristleback's brislteback 😁. This ability can only be seen in the item "Silver Edge" which removes passive abilities of an hero for a period of time. Next is Sylph, there is no much preview for her in this video but you can see that she summons something, she might be an intelligent type of hero that has a summoning skills like beastmaster. There is also a rumor that she is a wind type hero that has a damage burst from her skills, who knows.  Only valve knows what is their ability and types, in a few months maybe we will see this 2 new heroes i

Top 5 Heroes that can boost your Match Making Ranking in Dota 2

There are 113 Heroes currently playable in dota 2 right now. [Soon to be 115 in a few months after valve announced the addition of 2 new heroes in the pool during The Internationals 2017. Zorros and Sylph ]. But not all of this much heroes will help you reach for your desired match making ranking. Now lets start with the first Hero that will help you With your MMR. 5.) Keeper of the light This support hero is one of the best hero that can help you with your MMR. You can push the lane with his skill [Illuminate], you can also harass your enemy hero with this skill, making your carry farm comfortably and freely. Along with this you can also multi stack neutral creeps with [Illuminate] with the right timing and right position. Also with his [Mana Leak], mana dependent heroes will be having a hard time facing him in the lane. And who doesn't like his mana to be filled up? With his [Chakra Magic] you can replenish your mana and give cooldown reduction for 6 seconds (Max level