Damage Types and Damage Reductions in Dota 2

There are three kinds of damage in dota 2, the Physical Damage, Magic Damage, and Pure Damage. Read this to know more about this types of damage and how they will be affected by some game reducing damage mechanics. 

First is the Physical Damage, physical damage is affected by buying some damage items like the Divine Rapier. Physical damage can be executed by right clicking enemies your normal attacks. Physical Damage is the most basic damage in dota. But Physical Damage can be reduced by armor and damage reduction ability like bristleback's bristleback. Also Physical damage may miss on some evasion items or ability.

The other one is also physical type of damage but it will come from spell, it is the Physical Ability Damage this kind of the damage is also like the Physical Damage but it will come from a hero's spell, the difference is the Physica Ability Damage won't miss, yes that's right it will not miss even on item's like butterfly or some hero's ability like Blur.

Next is the Magic Damage, magic damage mostly come from hero spells, it is amplfied by an item Aether Lens and scale by the inteligence of the hero executing the spell. Simply putting it, it is the damage come from the spell of the heroes thrown to your enemies. But the damage output of Magic damage can be reduced by magic resistance and also damage reduction ability like bristleback's bristleback.

Last in the list is the Pure Damage, it is also the damage comes from the spell of the of a hero, but the difference is the damage outpout of pure damage is can't be reduced by magic resistance except damage reduction ability like bristleback's bristleback.

And here's how it works

Know how the damage mechanics works ? Now you can play easily and counter enemy with such an OP ability. Good Luck on your journey.
